Power of Practice
nat rosasco • May 21, 2020

We are always practicing something. The question lies in whether what you are practicing will get you where you want to go and where your company’s shareholders expect you to go. 

Let’s face it, we are blind to the practices we practice daily. We get up, do what we do, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, check-in with our parents, work some more, go to bed, and on and on and on. 

Many make reference to this cycle as the hamster wheel and I am often asked by executives when I think they can get off. What surprises them is that they have the power to practice differently.

We simply go through our daily rituals without considering why, what, or even how our unconscious practices impact our mind, body and energy levels. We also fail to consider the impact our attitude has on our desired result.

Neuroscience teaches us that our minds love shortcuts; preferring routines that do not require any real time for consideration. As human beings, we have the capacity—if the desire, passion and will are present—to change the way our brains automatically respond by re-configuring and creating new and different connection points. 

I won’t lie, it isn’t easy. The bonus, however, is tremendous if you step in and step up in owning the power to choose your practices moment by moment. 

I invite you to become consciously aware when choosing your practices—even the small ones. For example, how you enter your office; notice the energy in your body, where your attention falls, what distractions are allowed to immediately sneak in… in this moment what might you begin to stop, start, or continue practicing that enhances the success for yourself, your team, and your organization?

The choice is yours. Will you continue practicing the practices you’ve always practiced and pray for a new result or will you recognize and own your power in developing new practices and routines that create better futures for everyone? As many of my clients have begun to realize, igniting their success begins with designing the right practices and then consciously practicing them over and over until they become the shortcuts our brain craves.

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